Well this is my beautiful lens which broke in two. I clicked back together the parts and I can make pictures again. But only from a small distance. It cannot focus anymore in long distance.

- My poor dead lens. -

- As you can see, the right side of the lens is little lower than the other side. It's f***ed up. -
These ones were taken with the 'Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 II'. It's an 'okay' lens. But I prefere my '50mm 1.8' one. Goodbye my friend. It's been a short friendship (november 2008) but I've had some good times. R.I.P.

- When I opened up my bag, it looked like this... -

- Cry my eyes out Pt. 1 -

- Cry my eyes out Pt. 2 -
I've been tagged by Diane. So here we gooo!5 things I love:
1. Certain people around me. You know who you are!
2. Being creative (photography, graphic design...experimenting in photoshop)
3. Sitting behind the laptop / being online: checking my e-mail accounts every 10 or so minutes, reading blogs (fashion, graphic design, photography) listen to music.
4. When I know I don't have any obligations for the next day...that's the best feeling.
5. I love good food.
5 things I hate:
1. People who think they're 'all that'. Especially women. So annoying. :P
2. When my laptop isn't working (shuts down, being slow...very slow.)
3. When I make a picture, and it turns out very bad!!!
4. Being hungry.
5. When I have to go to bed. I NEVER sleep before 2am because I want to do way too much.
5 Random things you don't know about me: (this is a bit too personal...but here we go)
1. I like it when bad things happen to me, because after those bad moments, it can only go one way up:
the good way. With this in mind, I always have a optimistic attitude towards life...
2. I've released music on vinyl.
3. I love 'women-shows' like Oprah, Gilmore Girls, Sex and The City, Gossip Girl, etc. and I'm about to watch The City because my sister told me I should watch it. (I don't want to, because I don't want to get hooked on another show!)
4. I've practised Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for about a year. But, unfortunately, I don't have the time for it right now.
5. I've lived in Sweden for 5 months (januari 2008 - june 2008). So, jag kan talar lite Svenska! Men, min engelska är naturligtvis mycket bättre. Jag tänker flytta tillbaka till Sverige på studerar Master Programme Medier & Kommunikation på Stockholms universitet. Or something like that...:P
I'd like to tag
The Man Who Knew Too Much, because he's about to leave Amsterdam for a country far, far away from here! If that's okay with him. If not...I know someone else. Har-har.