I have become a terrible blogger...forgive me for not posting in such a long time.
But I've been in a...not so good situation lately. In my previous post, I already told you about me being infected with the deadly H1N1 virus. Luckily I've survived this intruder from outer space who was trying to take over my whole body...and soul!
When I was in the middle of my sickness-period, I've had thoughts of dying...!
But I'm back in blog-world! I still have extremely busy days ahead of me but there's at least one positive news...you'll see more pictures on this blog than ever before! I actually don't really have the time to write blogposts...I'm a bad writer anyways, so perhaps I should only post pictures.
(re-) Starting today:
I went to a concert of
The Raveonettes exactly one week ago. I finally get to see them live after listening to their music almost non-stop since my stay in Sweden, nearly two years ago! (Time flies!)

Sune Rose Wagner
Sharin Foo
Feels good to make a new post...perhaps I should do a blog make over...?