Thursday, October 29, 2009

Drang exposition

I don't even want to blog about this because I didn't win the price...

But...I'm an optimistic loser so I always see the bright side of negativity. Yes!

47 images were placed on the walls of the long hallway at Winston Hotel. I really appreciate all the work they've done to all these pictures. I like the paper golden frame. :)

Unfortunately, together with five other pictures, my picture was shown on the part of the wall with no light at all (OF COURSE. I'm always f****d.) I had to take this picture with flash.

The founders and organizers of the Drang competition. Announcing THE WINNER........ at the end of the small hallway.

You can see my picture and the other ones until the 28th of november at Winston Hotel.

Or you can just contact me and I'll show you the original picture on medium format and plus, I'll buy you a cup of coffee and we can have a talk about life and our favorite-things-to-do.

Next post will be a happy one.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Cheap Monday Sample Sale

Selling Cheap Monday's on a cheap saturday and cheap sunday.

As some of you know, I'm interning at a fashion company. And together with Streetlab we organised a sample sale from Cheap Monday!

On sunday we decided to sell 'em for €25,- for 5 pairs...

Unfortunately for a lot of people there was no every now and then, I had to take pictures of people so they could look how they fit in their new outfits:


At the same time there was an exhibition of two Graphic Designers / Illustrators and a photographer.

Bruce Tsai-Meu-Chong

Wendy Oakes

Linda van der Vleuten

You can check out more pics on my Facebook. :)

Monday, October 19, 2009



San Francisco, July, 2000. Taken by ME, of course. :) (When I was young...and innocent.)

So, I'm moving again, for the fourth (!) time within 1,5 years. But this time I can stay there as long as I want, and what a relieving feeling that is! Finally! Unfortunately, I'm not going to move to a place like San Francisco, as shown in the picture above, but it's just somewhere else in Amsterdam. So, I'm not allowed to complain because this city could be as exciting as Frisco!

One of my plans (one of thousands...) for next year is to stay a month in either New York City or Stockholm (back to sweden!). But it will only happen when I'm not able to realise another big plan...

I would love to hear your future plans. Would you at least share 1 with me?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Party on film

So I finally got the film roll of my Olympus Pen EE developed and the pictures turned out really interesting...

No cars. At all.

These pics were taken during the annual carless sunday about a month ago. I've already posted these ones on Facebook, but for those of you who don't use Facebook or aren't 'friends' with me (haha) you go!

Tunnelfest 2009 at the 'Toronto Tunnel'.

I'm so broke right now but I need to get me some more film rolls for my camera's! It's addicting.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Frans Verlinden Artprize 2009

A few posts ago, I told you something about my photography career. Well, it's official, so I can tell you all about it: I've been nominated for the Frans Verlinden Artprize 2009 for my work 'Garance Doré in FOAM'.

Garance Doré posing for Mr. J.

The invitation.

I won't win the price (which is a midweek to Berlin in an apartment, right in the heart of the city!) because the work of the other 46 (!!) nominees is just amaaazingly beautiful.

But still, I feel flattered.
Many thanks to Kiki, for letting me know about the existence of this competition.

So, if you're in Amsterdam on this date...please come to Winston and check out the work of all the nominees. :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Rooms of coziness

Ahhh...mmm...owwwwwwww yeah. Rrrrrrr.

These are the sounds of coziness.

Now, the following are images of coziness. And I know that some of you may not agree with me, but I bet that those ones secretly would love to have a room like this where they can be on their own or with friends, and just hide from the real world for a moment:

* Room of the beautiful actress Isabelle Mcnally Taken by Todd Selby

I am in search of inspirations for the decoration of my own room. You see, I don't have a lot of stuff laying around; got huge piles of magazines and books still stored in boxes, two separate beds put together, a desk, a couch...and uhm, that's it actually. Oh yeah, a linen closet with my cloths.

* Isabelle Mcnally

* Film director and fashion designer Alexander Olch

* Ingrid Sophie Schram

I'm thinking of keeping my room a bit messy. Just for the coziness. But not too messy though; I'm going to get me a new closet really soon!

My room, 2 months ago, with my sister's stuff (problems with her floor...all solved now!)

* Artist, writer, film director Aaron Rose

* Obedient Sons & Daughters

In the end, all of our rooms will be tidy unless there will be a kid playing around and making the whole place a big mess again. I like georganiseerde rotzooi (organised mess).

The following pics are taken from the Apartamento Magazine.

I'm sure you've heard of Theselby website. But check out Apartamento Magazine! Next issue will be out on the 28th of this month!

* images by Todd Selby of

So tell me, are you a tidy person or a messy one? Or...are you a tidy person with a messy house / room? Or a messy person with a tidy house / room?

Having a messy room classifies the person being very creative. :)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Eric & Dana

Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of these two beautiful people whom I met yesterday in the hotel.

(while formulating the above sentence, I wasn't sure about the usage of the word 'whom'. While googling for it, I came across this website which gave an example with the city SEATTLE in it: "Mrs. Dimwit consulted an astrologer whom she met in Seattle. (She met him in Seattle.)" still haunts me!!)

I work parttime in a hotel. A second job which I have on the side to pay for college, etc. ( Well, I graduated college about a month ago...but still have this job. :) )

43 year old Eric and Dana are an American couple from Flint, Michigan (United States). They've really changed my view on American people. Actually...they've changed my view on people in general even more: NEVER judge people on their looks. Of course, you already knew this. Right? It's always either beautiful or...not that beautiful. :P Personality doesn't always matches the appearance.

Eric invited me in his room. At first, I had mixed feelings about his invitation because I thought he wanted to beat me up because the hotel forgot to fill his minibar with some beers. But then I saw his wife sitting comfortably in the leather chair behind him and I accepted his invitation.
He looks extremely intimidating with his long goatee, wide chest, dark short hair and his arms covered with tattoo's untill the wrists (probably his whole upper body). The way he talks, it was like he was Steve Irwin himself. But his personality is the exact opposite. I even made this tough looking man cry for a moment: I told both Dana and him I wish my future wife's parents would be just like them.
I said this because I was overwhelmed by their hospitality (they insisted me I should sit down and have a(n alcoholic) drink with them) and the conversations about the view on life.

My new mate told me he's going back to The States as a changed man after this Amsterdam trip. But he told me that I made his whole trip. Probably because of our deep, deep conversation about life and culture (probably also after I gave him two stolen beers from an unbooked room). :P
His wife Dana looks like an ordinary woman: no tattoo's (haha), jeans, black boots, purple top, long brown hair in a ponytail and blue eyes. She's got one of the most beautiful personality I've ever felt. Yes you can actually feel someone's personality in your gut by just talking to the person. It felt good when I was with them. I love 'm.

So...I have a new house (in Michigan); "Mi Casa es su Casa!" is what Eric said to me.
And a boat (Eric & Dana love chilling and getting tanned on boat trips).
And Eric can build me a Harley Davidson-type chopper for only under $8000 (he is a RIDER and builds his own choppers). Flint, here I come!
I kissed Dana three times on her cheeks (Dutch way of saying goodbye...(and hello)) and gave Eric a big hug. Eric: 'That's how we do up there!'. He even kissed me on the cheek while hugging me.....but that's ok.

- Flint, Michigan. Taken by Paul Hitz -

I don't think I will ever meet a couple like Eric & Dana again. I felt welcomed, protected, like they were my parents for an hour. But they are my parents. My American parents. We will be reunited, one day........